Attention Business, Life, and Other Coaches:
Confused (and Intimidated) by the Legal Aspects of Running Your Business?
Get Instant Access to
Legal Information… Just for Coaches!
All you need to do is fill in the short form on the right to tell me where to send your login information.
Within just a couple of minutes after you click the
“Let Me In!“ button, you’ll get an email from me with instant access to your private Coaches’ Legal Library dashboard, where you can find training, information, and tools for just about any legal question you can think of!
(Oh, and if you ever run into an issue or concern that I haven’t already covered... I do take requests!
Complete the Information Below
for Instant Access to the
Coaches’ Legal Library:
I decided to make it easy for you to get the legal information
you need to protect yourself and your business!

Hey There Fellow Business Owner!
Valerie Del Grosso here.
You know, as a 13-year veteran attorney, I hear from coaches every day. In fact, many of my clients are business and life coaches!
And over the years, I’ve learned something very important about coaches: They’re incredibly passionate about what they do. They have a deep desire to help others, and they often pour TONS of energy into creating results for their
(By the way, I’ve hired coaches to help me toward my own goals over the past several years. So I’ve seen first-hand how much they put into their practices.)
And when you’re done taking care of clients for the day, the work’s still not finished, is it?
No… you have to worry about marketing, accounting, checking up on employees and contractors, and a bazillion other tasks. And that doesn’t even include spending time with your family, running personal errands, and being involved with your community.
In other words, I know you’re probably running yourself ragged!
So when it comes to those business tasks that don’t seem “essential” (like getting answers to legal business questions), those tasks tend to go by the wayside because you just don’t have the time or energy!
But having the right legal information is critical
at every stage of your business!
Because I work with so many coaches (especially life and business coaches), I see problems every day – including some that are quite costly and time-consuming to fix) – that could have been avoided if the coach had just had the right knowledge to begin with.
Let me give you a few examples (and yes, I’ve changed the names):

“Manny” is a holistic nutrition coach that sells supplements on his website and in his brick-and-mortar shop in California. In an article Manny wrote about a supplement and published on his website, he stated that the supplement improves several medical conditions. If he had understood the legal implications of that statement, he might have left it off his site… and wouldn’t have had to deal with the Federal Trade Commission!

“Sarah” subcontracted her coaching membership site to a developer, and after a heated exchange, the developer refused to complete the work or refund the money she paid. If Sarah had made the developer sign the right documents, she would have had better options to either get the work done or get her money back!

“Robin” was running her coaching practice solo, but when she was hospitalized after a car accident, nobody knew how to help take care of her clients and keep her business from falling apart. With the right information, though, Robin could have created a disaster plan and saved her coaching practice!
You see, no matter whether you just “put out your shingle” today, or you’re a seasoned coach looking to take your business to the 7-figure mark and beyond, you need the ability to quickly make the best decisions to protect yourself and your business from a legal standpoint.
But having access to reliable legal knowledge isn’t just about dealing
with problems.
Having legal tutorials, resources, and info means that you get a strong sense of clarity as you’re building your coaching business. Too many coaches go for years without having any clear idea what to do to protect themselves legally… and they just hope that they don’t bump into trouble along the way.
It also means that, whatever each day has in store for you, you can face it with calmness and confidence. There’s a certain security in knowing that you can grab the legal info you need in just seconds… and use it to chart your course to success! And as any coach can tell you… those who can maintain confidence and calmness are the ones who rise to the top!
You shouldn’t have to look for (or pay for) accurate, reliable
legal information for your business!
Now, for most coaches, getting the right legal information means one of two things:
- You have to pay hefty hourly fees to an attorney to do the research (and keep in mind that if your attorney doesn’t specialize in working with coaches, some of those “billable hours” will be your attorney learning about your business). Plus… you’re probably going to have to wait for days or even weeks to get the answers you’re looking for!
- You have to spend hours looking for the information yourself online or at the nearest library. Those are hours you could be spending working on other parts of your business, like finding or taking care of your clients! And not only that, but unless you have years of experience in the legal field, it can be almost impossible to tell if the info you find is accurate or up to date!
But here’s what I think:
I think that, because you are committed to making a real impact in the lives of others through your coaching… you need access to accurate, coaching-specific legal information that can help you protect yourself and your business.
And not only that, but you should be able to access the exact information you need to address any potential (or current) situation quickly. After all, you’ve got better things to do than spend your time wading through websites trying to find legal info that you can actually rely on!
And, most of all… you should have it all available to you at no cost whatsoever.
So I’ve decided to give back…
with the Coaches’ Legal Library!
I’m “giving back” to the coaching community by offering you no-cost, complete access to a secret treasure chest of tutorials, information, and resources to help you address concerns and questions in your business!
Inside, you’ll find exactly what you need on a full range of topics that are essential to your coaching business. Any time, you can simply log into your private dashboard and find the answers you’re looking for.
And because I know you’re super-busy and need the right info at your fingertips, I’ve equipped the Coaches’ Legal Library with a couple of time-saving tools I think you’re going to love:

Stage of Business” Search Function: If you’re poised to take your coaching business over the $1 million mark, your concerns are going to be quite a bit different than if you just earned your first dollar yesterday. And likewise, you’re going to need different types of legal info if you’re a new coach than if you were a seasoned veteran of the coaching industry. Inside the Coaches’ Legal Library, you can filter the database to show only info that’s relevant to where you are today!

“Who’s Involved?” Search Function: Competitors cause a whole different set of potential legal headaches than clients… and then there are unique concerns when it comes to dealing with government agencies, team members, and other individuals and businesses. And some concerns (like disaster planning) might only involve you. The “Who’s Involved?” search function makes it easy to filter the database to display only resources and info relevant the parties involved!
Simply put, what you get is a treasure trove of resources, tools, info, and training to help make sure you and your business are fully protected… without the huge investment of hiring an attorney or the guesswork and tedium of finding it yourself!
Here are just a few of the common issue that you’ll find the right information for inside the Coaches’ Legal Library:

AND… if you can’t find the answer to your specific question or issue, you’ll find a “Just Ask!” button right on your Coaches’ Legal Library dashboard.
Use this button to let me know what you need, and I’ll create a tutorial or other resource to add to the library as quickly as I can!
With the Coaches’ Legal Library, you’re getting in-depth information that’s laid out in an easy-to-understand way. With plenty of checklists, step-by-step tutorials, and concepts explained in everyday language, you’ll get the insights you’re looking for. And you’ll find out quickly if your issue is even anything to worry about – if not, then you can free up your time to work on something more productive.
The information is organized so that you can find what you need fast… instead of spending hours wading through documents and web pages that aren’t relevant to you as a professional coach. And with the “Stage of Business” and “Who’s Involved” search functions, getting topquality legal info for your business is a nearly effortless task!
And because this entire virtual library is designed specifically for coaches, you don’t have to worry about whether any of the info inside is relevant to you. I’ve made sure that all of the explanations, checklists, and resources address your needs!
Get Your All-Access Pass to the
Coaches’ Legal Library Today… and Enjoy Peace of
Mind Just Minutes from Now!
Your treasure trove of relevant, concise, up-to-date legal information and resources is just a few clicks away. Why spend your time guessing how you should protect yourself and your business, when you can access the Coaches’ Legal Library at any time?
And don’t worry, this isn’t some “bait and switch” deal where you get access for a limited time and then have to pay if you want to keep it. As I’ve said, coaches like you are immensely valuable to me, and it makes me happy to give you this critical resource for your coaching business. No matter how much (or how long) you use it, you’ll never have to pay a penny for this information!
So what are you waiting for? Fill in your name and email address below, and in just a couple of minutes, you’ll get an email detailing how to access the Coaches’ Legal Library right away!
Complete the Information Below for
Instant Access to the Coaches’ Legal Library:
Once you’ve had a few minutes to look around, shoot me a message and tell me what you think – I LOVE hearing from coaches and finding out how they’re using this in-depth knowledge to strengthen and protect their businesses!
Valerie Del Gross
Disclaimer: I’m sure you’ve probably already figured this out, but I have to tell you anyway: The tutorials, checklists, training, and other resources you’re getting when you take advantage of the Coaches’ Legal Library are solely informational in nature – that is, they do not constitute “legal advice” or establish any sort of attorney/client relationship.
And while I’ve made every effort to ensure that everything you get is accurate and up to date, it’s important to exercise due diligence when making business or personal decisions based in this information.