Ready for the Solid Legal Foundation You Need to Transform the Lives of Others?
It's here.
One Done-For-You Package Gives You the
Policy and Agreement Templates You Need to Put Your Passion to Work in the Coaching Business of Your Dreams...
PLUS Training to Drastically Minimize Your Legal Risks
with community and live support, for the first time ever
Hey There, Fellow Business Owner!
I get to work with successful coaches on a daily basis, and here's what I know for sure about the coaching industry right now:
People are investing in themselves to improve all areas of their lives.
Screen time is up.
People who have never considered coaching are taking time for themselves and doing it now.
Booked Out Calendars, Highest Revenue Months Ever...
And tons of new interest in their work.
These are the things my coach clients are celebrating now- and this isn't just the rare coach.
I see inside dozens of coaching businesses per month in my legal practice. They tell me their clients are looking for accountability with newfound freetime, coping skills for staying home with spouses and babies, ways to re-evaluate their personal impact in our society, and support to simply stay afloat mentally in these tough times.
That means, lately, I have also been getting tons of questions about whether now is the time to go "all in" on the coaching business you have dreamed about, and to ditch the corporate, paycheck-to-paycheck lifestyle.
Here's what I have been saying:
The time is now. Start today. Start the right way from Day 1. Make this be the real thing this time. Learn what you have used during past stop-and-start attempts. Build a business you can rely on.
If you are *so ready* to go "all in" on a coaching business, don't let thoughts like "I have a ton of other things to do to get this started," and "I don't know what I don't know when it comes to legal" derail you.
You Are Ready If:

You want to sign your first or next client today... without scrambling to find a random contract on Google that you don't feel confident about (or that an out-of-touch attorney drafted that doesn't match the way you do business)

You want to create transformations in your clients' lives... without worrying about crossing a legal line to get there.

You want to know your paycheck *and* impact is limited only by the size of your dreams... and not a nagging fear about your fine print.

You want support from an attorney who gets your business... instead of paying hundreds of dollars per hour feeling like you have to justify your work to an attorney who could, frankly, use some coaching himself.

You want to know exactly what you need for your stage of business...because you don't have time to play a lawyer on TV right now.
Any of this sound familiar? I thought so.
So I asked myself... If NOT having policies and agreements in place exposes coaches like you to unnecessary legal problems, and getting them is expensive or cumbersome (or both!)... then what exactly are you supposed to do?
You need a resource where your passion is in good hands, whether you are at Day 1, Dollar 1, or you just made your first Million.
You asked for affordable, easy-to-implement legal strategies (that you actually understand) for coaching practices, and I'm delivering on a silver platter!

I’m Valerie Del Grosso… and in my 12+ years as a practicing attorney, I’ve worked with a LOT of business owners (after all, that’s my passion)! I've also personally hired several coaches over the past few years and they have made a tremendous difference in nearly every aspect of my life. I'm a true believer in the power of coaching... and I wanted to find a way to make it easy for honest, empathetic, hard-working coaches shield themselves from frustrating, costly legal problems... from Day 1, without a big budget. I have heard again and again from coaches that they just want to do business the legal way, but they don't know what they don't know and figuring it out alone doesn't feel good.
I'm here today with answers, so you have the solid foundation you need to transform the lives of others... with peace of mind that your legal requirements are met. You don't have to wait for the day that a client relationship explodes and you are scrambling!
I've seen first hand how devastating it can be to have a client or customer take a coach to the cleaners because they didn't have the right legal language in place. It causes emotional and financial havoc that derails you from your purpose. It's even worse because, if you're like most coaches I know, you get paid for your time and expertise, but you volunteer your heart and soul to get your clients results.
So today, I'd like to introduce you to a simple solution that literally hundreds of you asked for, and that I know you're going to love:
Little Black Legal Book Live!
Proven, professional policy and agreement templates to give you peace of mind and protect your business.

I’ve taken my years of experience working with coaches and other business owners like you, and poured it into this done-for-you set of templates that covers virtually ANY kind of agreement or policy you could possibly need in your coaching business.
Each of these templates is built around language that has been tried and tested – these aren’t generic forms created by interns who have never seen the inside of a courtroom. And, because they’re specifically written for coaches, you can rest easy knowing that they’ll protect you and your business!
Let’s take a look at what’s inside Little Black Legal Book…

All the essential templates you’ll need to protect your business, whether you’re just starting out, or you’re well on your way to crossing the 7-figure mark!
- If you plan to market yourself with a website, you need Website Policy Templates – here, you’re getting fully customizable and brandable policy language to cover everything you need for your website, including:
- Privacy Policies (GDPR Compliant)
- Terms and Conditions
- If you plan to work with more than one client at a time, you need Business Policy Templates – all the essentials to minimize legal risk for you and your coaching business, including:
- Billing Policies
- Facebook Group Policies
- If you plan to hold clients accountable to their dreams, you need Accountability Policies – all the essentials to minimize legal risk for you and impose loving boundaries with your clients, including:
- Business Policies for call scheduling and forfeiture
- Disclaimers
- If you plan to charge for your services, you need Authorizations – whether your client is paying on her own or asking someone else to cover it:
- Credit Card Authorization
- Guaranty Agreement Template
- If you plan to have a variety of offerings, you need Client Agreements to match – these tested and proven templates are ideal for documenting the terms of your agreement with new clients, or clients that have decided to purchase additional products or services (such as courses, workshops, in-person events, etc.). Your Client Agreement templates include:
- Terms of Purchase Template for programs under $2,000
- One-on-One Coaching Program Agreements
- VIP Day Program Agreements
- Mastermind Program Agreements
- Group Program Agreement
- Virtual Assistant or Done-For-You Service Client Agreement
- If you plan to scale your audience and income with the help of a team, you need Team Agreement Templates – As your coaching business grows, you’ll need additional team members to keep everything running smoothly (and to give your clients the attention they deserve). Here, you’ll find done-for-you templates you can use to instantly generate:
- Independent Contractor Agreements
- Company Protective Non-Disclosure Agreement
- Client Protective Non-Disclosure Agreement
- Guest Expert Agreement
- Affiliate Agreement

Unlike other attorneys, I don’t believe in just handing you a bunch of templates and then telling you to figure out how to use them on your own. That’s why I’m including plenty of training and resources so that you can implement your policies quickly and effortlessly:
- Policies and Agreements Best Practices Video Training – Here, you’re getting easy-to-follow video training you can use to understand each of the agreements and policies, and how they fit into your business. We’ll dive into the important provisions of each template, and you’ll learn how to use them effectively to shield yourself against legal problems down the road.
- How to Infuse Brand Personality Into Your Policies and Agreements – The trouble with most legal disclosures is that customers and clients never actually bother to read them! Of course, that doesn’t render them unenforceable (as long as you can show that the client agreed to the terms they contain), but it can lead to some pretty unpleasant conversations when you enforce a rule they didn’t bother to read. In this training, you’ll learn how to infuse your policies and agreements with your own unique brand personality, so your clients will actually read and understand them.
- How to Automate Your Agreements – Every minute you spend trying to get an agreement in front of a client (or get them to sign the darned thing) is a minute that you’re not handling the important tasks of building your coaching business. I’ll give you the tech tutorials you need to easily automate your agreements,

And if you’re still stuck for answers (or you just need to hang out with some other super-cool people), you’re getting LIFETIME access to the “Your Lawyer Friend” private Facebook group. It’s a great place to get answers to any questions you have while working with and implementing your policies and agreements… not to mention a place where you can connect with like-minded coaches and biz owners, give and get motivation and support, and maybe even find a business partner or a referral! We’re very positive and laid back, so don’t be shy about asking questions or just saying “hello!”
PLUS… for the first time ever:
FIVE totally live and customized group calls with me
If you've made it this far, I know you care about doing this right.
Join me live for help:
- Identifying which templates you need for your exact business model
- Understanding why these documents protect you and your clients and
- Implementing the templates in the most effective way possible that is true to your way of doing business and working with your clients.
I'll walk you through the agreements live on Zoom so you can get the accountability, support, and community you need so that your Little Black Legal Book doesn't sit on the (virtual) shelves gathering dust. Instead, let's work together to implement the documents you need for more clients, impact, and income.
Here's The Schedule
- Wed. July 1 at 5pm PT/ 8pm ET. Kick Off Call - Figure out what you need
- Tues. July 7 at 5pm PT/ 8pm ET. Get your website sales ready and ask me anything.
- Tues. July 14 at 5pm PT/ 8pm ET. Client agreements for One/One and VIP Days
- Tues. July 21 at 5pm PT/ 8 pm ET. Ask me anything.
- Tues. July 28 at 5pm PT/ 8pm ET. Team and Group Program Agreements.
And of course… I’ve got some BONUS templates and
trainings for you, too!
The treasure trove of done-for-you legal business templates and trainings in this time-saving bundle are well worth the “cost of admission.” But I wanted to make sure that you get more than your money’s worth – after all, you’re investing in the success of your business, and it’s my job to make sure you get the most out of your investment.
So I’m including a stash of BONUS materials that will make running and protecting your business even easier… so that you can enjoy the profitable, fulfilling business you deserve to have!
Let’s take a look, shall we?

Bonus #1: Speaker and Event Planner Templates – If your coaching business involves speaking or events (or if you recognize the power of these approaches and plan to incorporate them into your business anytime soon), then you need to have these templates ready to go. Your bonus pack of speaker and event planner templates includes:
- Liability Waivers
- Photo and Video Release Forms
- Speaker Agreement Templates

Bonus #2: Cease and Desist Letter Templates – Unfortunately, it’s all too common that a competitor will “step on your toes” – using your material, name, or branding without your permission, or engaging in other business practices that infringe on your rights. But the good news is that you can usually take care of the problem with a simple “cease and desist” letter – starting with this approach costs next to nothing, and typically saves you the time, hassle and expense of filing a lawsuit. I’ve included done-for-you cease and desist letter templates so you can stop competitors from compromising your business fast!

Bonus #3: Email Marketing Legal Checklist – Email marketing is a powerful way to grow your business, but running afoul of legal requirements can cause you some serious headaches (not to mention cost you some hefty fines)! I’m giving you my email marketing legal checklist so that you can make sure every email (including images and content) you send out is fully compliant with all laws and regulations. You’ll also get a visual guide explaining the best email marketing practices for increasing sales and revenues while keeping yourself out of hot water!

Bonus #4: Disaster Planning Video Training – I hope that your business is able to grow and prosper for decades to come! But unfortunately, we all need a plan in place to mitigate the effects of a disaster if something should go seriously wrong. If something happened to you, for example, your partners or other trusted people would need to know how to head off disaster in your business. In this training, you’ll get a simple, step-by-step guide for creating your own disaster plan!

Bonus #5: Testimonial Best Practices Video Training – Aren’t testimonials just about the most fantastic things ever? I mean, when you have solid testimonials on your website (and in print marketing materials, too), it becomes MUCH easier to attract high-quality clients who respect you, and who are willing to implement your coaching into their lives so they start seeing real results. But there are some legal issues regarding the use of testimonials, and 99% of coaches never even think about these issues. In this training, you’re going to learn the best practices for using testimonials – following these practices will help you avoid potentially costly problems down the road!
So what makes this different from any of
those other “legal forms bundles?”
Great question! I know that there are quite a few attorneys and legal publishers out there that sell legal forms designed for business owners… at a wide range of price points. But if you’re serious about building your business as a coach, here are just some of the reasons why Little Black Legal Book Live! is the ideal choice for you:
- An attorney with more than ten years of courtroom experience drafted this bundle exclusively for coaches. Have you heard that when you market to everyone, you market to no one? Legal forms are the same. Virtually all of the “legal forms bundles” out there contain forms that are meant to apply to any business. And that means that the language in these forms has to be intentionally vague. The problem with that is that, as a coach, you run into issues everyday that most other business owners just don’t have to worry about. You need policies and agreements with language that specifically addresses the liabilities and other potential issues you face as a coach, and that fully protects you and your interests if there’s ever a disagreement! And you want to be sure that the attorney who created them has actually seen how these things play out when push comes to shove.
- I’m giving you much more than just a collection of templates. In fact, unlike some of my colleagues, I refuse to sell standalone templates. Here's why. Best business practices always trump best legal practices, so you don't need lifeless legal-ese. You need to know what best practices look like and incorporate them into your biz. I can help you do that with simple, easy-to-follow “best practices” training for integrating policies and agreements into your coaching business, as well as plenty of checklists and video training designed specifically for coaches like you! This training can save you countless hours of your time, while giving you the nearly bulletproof protection you need for yourself and your business!
- You’re getting legal forms you just won’t find in other bundles. Take a look at the forms that other attorneys and legal publishers provide, and you’ll find that they’re pretty much all the same. But here’s what you won’t find – the detailed policies and agreement templates you really need to keep your business chugging along! This is the ONLY place you’ll find billing policies, Facebook group use agreements, one-on-one coaching and VIP Day agreements, Mastermind program agreements and independent contractor agreements for coaches.
- You get everything you need for every stage of your business, with an intuitive way to understand what your next stage will require. This bundle is designed to grow right alongside your business! If you’re just starting out, you might only need a handful of the templates and training… but as your coaching business evolves, you can just pull out the templates, checklists, and training videos you need when you’re ready for them. I have 7-figure coaches who tell me that Little Black Legal Book still provides everything they need!
- You’re getting round-the-clock access to support, motivation, insights, and more! I know that coaching can feel a little isolating at times. Sure, you’re meeting everyone else’s needs… but what about you? When you take advantage of Little Black Legal Book, you’re getting LIFETIME access to our private Facebook group, where you can get the help and encouragement you need, day or night!
But I don’t just want you to take my word for it.
Let’s take a look at what my clients say…
Amanda Goldman-Petri,
Marketing Coach
"Ever since I hired Valerie, my clients have commented on how fun it is to read my agreements. That of course means more of my prospective clients are choosing to sign their agreements and committing to work with me. This means more guaranteed income. People always think legal is about protecting your business, but in my experience it also increases your bottom line when done properly!"
Barbera Spanjers,
Health Coach
"Valerie is a legal rockstar who helped me put all of the pieces in place for my online business. She totally gets the unique needs of virtual entrepreneurs, and makes the whole process easy. As a non-lawyer, I didn't know where to start to protect my business. And with other lawyers, I felt like I needed a translator to understand what they were saying. I'm grateful I found Valerie!"
Erin Mathis,
Virtual Style Coach,
"I found Valerie at just the right time, and her group coaching agreement template was exactly what I needed as I launched my first group style coaching program. I was able to easily customize and have since used it successfully for numerous groups so far. Valerie is a great legal resource with highly valuable tools for coaches."
Tiffani P.,
The program I sold with the support of your documents was a huge success – over $22k in total sales and $15k+ in cash! I’m already gearing up for the next round and the waitlist is bursting. Your templates couldn’t have been easier to use and navigate! It took all the guesswork and stress out of that part of selling, and really gave me the peace of mind I needed to let myself go BIG during my launch – because I felt so protected! And it really, really paid off 💰🤑"
Sarah Shapiro,
Money Coach
"I hired Valerie a few years back to handle the trademark for my online Business, Millionaire Alchemy®. Valerie did a fantastic job explaining the somewhat complex legal process to me in simple, understandable terms and she is extremely knowledgeable, accessible and expedient. She was timely and it turned out that I received my registered trademark months earlier than expected!
Because of my exceptional experience with Valerie, I hired her again to write a Joint Venture (JV) contract for my online coaching business and , again, she was thorough, knowledgeable and made the entire process easy. There were several revisions and she was impeccable with response time in making the revisions. I must also mention that her fees are very reasonable.
Valerie is a brilliant and personable lawyer who is a delight to work with. I recommend her without reservation to anyone. I am thrilled that I found Valerie!"
Ready to Protect Yourself and Your Business Today?
Right now, you have a choice to make.
- You can keep putting off the task of getting your business policies and agreements in place… and risking legal problems that can waste your time, money, and energy (and even potentially ruin your coaching business for good)…
- You can hire an expensive attorney to learn about your business and draft custom forms for you… which could easily cost $5,000 or more…
- You can use generic templates and just hope that nobody ever asks their attorney to read them (believe me, even a mediocre lawyer can tear holes the size of Buicks in those things)…but you can be sure that they will not include the details that protect you in a coaching dispute.
- You can take advantage of the one bundle that gives you a full suite of policies and agreement templates crafted specifically for coaching business owners… and loads of step-by-step training to help you avoid legal problems no matter how big your business grows! Because you know that you have legal requirements to market yourself, charge for your services, and get your clients results.
The choice is yours…
But if you want to build a successful business that provides you with plenty of fulfillment, satisfaction, and income for decades to come…
You owe it to yourself to take advantage of this limited offer today:
Get Instant Access to Little Black Legal Book Live!
As a Little Black Legal Book Live! member, you’re getting ALL of this in one convenient, instantly accessible package:

Your Core Template Pack, including:
- Website Policy Templates (3)
- Business Policy Templates (3)
- Client Agreement Templates (4)
- Team Agreement Templates (2)

Your Core Training Pack, including:
- Policies and Agreements Best Practices Video Training
- How to Infuse Brand Personality Into Your Policies and Agreements
- How to Automate Your Agreements

LIFETIME Access to “Your Lawyer Friend” Private Facebook Group

Live Zoom Calls with Me and the Community
- July 1st Kick Off Call
- July 7th Get Your Website Sales Ready
- July 14th Agreements for One-on-One Programs
- July 21st Ask Me Anything
- July 28th Team and Group Agreements

Your Core Bonus Pack, including:
- Speaker and Event Planner Templates
- Cease and Desist Letter Templates
- Email Marketing Legal Checklist
- Disaster Planning Training
- Testimonial Best Practices Video Training
That’s well over $7,500 of templates, training, and resources (if you could even find it anywhere else). But because coaches have made such a HUGE impact in my life, I want to “give back”… so I’m not even going to charge a fraction of that amount!
In fact, when you complete your order today, you’re getting the entire bundle for a one-time payment of…
- Core Templates Pack
- Core Training Pack
- 5 Group Zoom Calls with Valerie
- Core Bonus Pack
- Everything in Group Support PLUS
- 1 Trademark Registration (filing and search fees included!)
- 60 days email review by Valerie of your agreements
- 30-min one-on-one kick off call with Valerie to get a custom legal plan for your biz
Need a Payment Plan to Keep Costs in Check? Click below.

My personal pledge to you…
I believe that, as a coach and a business owner, you are in a unique position to create MASSIVE, positive change, not only in the lives of the people you work with, but in the lives of every person in your clients’ lives. And that’s a pretty big deal!
As an attorney, it’s my job to help you protect yourself and your business, so that you can keep helping others for years to come. So I pledge to you that I’ll only equip you with the very best legal templates, tools, and resources to take all the guesswork out of shielding yourself against legal disaster. And I’ll be available to answer questions in the “Your Lawyer Friend” private Facebook group so that you never have to worry about figuring things out on your own.
Oh, and once you’ve had a chance to dive into the training and implement the policies and agreements into your business, shoot me a message over in the private Facebook group. I’d LOVE to hear how Little Black Legal Book saves you time, helps you grow your coaching business, and gives you peace of mind!
Valerie Del Grosso
P.S.: Just one legal hassle can cost you thousands in attorney fees… and make it almost impossible to focus on running and building your business! But for a nominal investment, you can get the policy and agreement templates, training, and support you need to dramatically decrease your legal risks… starting today!